How do i reformat mac internal hard drive
How do i reformat mac internal hard drive

how do i reformat mac internal hard drive

how do i reformat mac internal hard drive

You could type “ diskutil apfs list” and hit " Return" if you wish to monitor the progress.Ģ. Once authenticated, it will help you decrypt the volume. Finally, type “ diskutil apfs decryptVolume /dev/apfs_volume_id” and hit " Return". Next, type “ diskutil apfs unlockVoutillume /dev/apfs_volume_id -passphrase type_the_key”, then hit " Return". Then, type “ diskutil apfs list" and hit return. Click on " Finder", select " Application", and then " Utilities". Start the process by launching the Terminal app on your Mac. Hence, we recommend you back up your data before using the terminal app to encrypt the hard drive on Mac. With the wrong use of commands, you are at risk of data loss. This powerful application is a command-line system that can help you take control of your operating system. As a direct interface to OS X's bash shell, the terminal app requires you to have a good grip over the commands and functions. To encrypt or decrypt the hard drive of your Mac, you could use a terminal.

#How do i reformat mac internal hard drive how to#

How to Unlock the Internal Hard Drive on Mac? 1. Q4: How Do You Unlock a Mac Hard Drive without Password? Q3: How Do I Reinstall OSX If the Disk Is Locked? Q1: Is There a Way that Can Unlock Both External and Internal Hard Drives on Mac? Part 2: How to Unlock an External Hard Drive on Mac? Part 1: How to Unlock the Internal Hard Drive on Mac?ġ.1 Unlock Hard Drive on Mac with Terminalġ.2 Unlock Hard Drive on Mac Using FileVault

How do i reformat mac internal hard drive